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 “GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?” Report:

GM foods and crops: Approval of GM RR soy

Monday, 13 September 2010 19:01

《欧洲转基因观察》网站 2010年9月13日发布




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在网络上看了新闻纪录片《孟山都公司眼中的世界》与Jeffrey M. Smitch的影评后,本顾问2010年3月发表《孟山都公司是正人君子、唯利是图,还是十恶不赦的跨国公司?表明看法:




“(法国)Marie-Monique Robin女士导演的影片《孟山都公司眼中的世界》以及(美国)Jeffrey M. Smitch先生的影评披露的大量情况,如果基本属实的话,(美国)孟山都公司显然不仅是一家唯利是图追逐暴利的跨国公司,而是一家有意危害全球人类持续安全健康生存与发展的十恶不赦的公司。”



孟山都公司以及他们在国外与中国的支持者们至今未能够向任何法院起诉Marie-Monique Robin女士以及她导演的新闻纪录片《孟山都公司眼中的世界》,更没有能够公开举证证明新闻纪录片《孟山都公司眼中的世界》举证披露的事实不符合基本事实,表明孟山都公司以及他们在国外与中国的支持者们只能够默认新闻纪录片《孟山都公司眼中的世界》举证披露的事实!











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==Approval of GM RR soy==



Monsanto applied for approval of its GM RR soy for commercialization in 1994. It based its application on research that analyzed the composition, allergenicity, toxicity, and feed conversion of RR soybeans, which, taken together, were intended to demonstrate safety to health.



The research was neither peer-reviewed nor published at the time of the application. Related papers by Monsanto employees appeared only later in scientific journals. [114、115、116、117]



Since GM RR soy was commercialized in 1996, scientists have criticized these studies on grounds including the following: [118、119、120、121]



·      Data in the published studies differ from data in approval applications.

·      发表的论文中关于这些研究的数据与孟山都公司当初申请时提交的数据不同。


·      Important data on which study conclusions were based were inconsistent or missing.

·      发表的论文中这些研究得出结论基于的重要数据或者不一致,或者缺失。


·      Significant differences in the composition of GM and non-GM soy are dismissed in forming a conclusion of substantial equivalence.

·      为使这些研究形成“实质相同”的结论而去除证明转基因大豆与非转基因大豆成分显著不同的内容。


·      Significant differences found in feeding studies (lower weights and lower feed consumption in male rats and fish, higher kidney/testicle weight in rats, increased milk fat value in cows) between those fed with GM RR soy and those fed the control diet are unjustifiably dismissed as not biologically significant.

·      在抗草甘膦转基因大豆与(非转基因)对照规定饮食之间的喂食研究中发现的显著区别(雄鼠与鱼较轻的体重与较低的喂食消耗,老鼠更高的肾脏/睾丸重量,牛奶更高的脂肪值)的内容以“非生物学显著”为理由不合理的去除了研究中发现这些内容。


·      Histological examinations (in which body tissues of experimental animals are examined for changes and toxic effects) were not carried out or are missing from published data.

·      这些研究中没有进行组织学检查(组织学检查中对实验动物身体组织进行检查是否有改变与毒性影响),或者有关情况从发表数据中去除。


·      No long-term health effects are tested for. These kinds of tests are necessary to find out if GM RR soy has (for example) carcinogenic or reproductive effects.

·      没有进行长期健康影响试验。对于发现抗草甘膦转基因大豆是否造成(例如)致癌或生育异常影响来说,长期健康影响试验是必要的。


·      The diets fed to experimental animals are such that any effects from GM RR soy would be masked. For example, protein content is so high, and/or levels of GM soy so low, that the chances of finding any differences from the GM RR diet are minimized.

·      喂养给实验动物的规定饮食(设计)为抗草甘膦转基因大豆的任何影响将被伪装起来。例如,蛋白成分非常高,和/或转基因大豆的水平非常低,以至发现含抗草甘膦转基因大豆规定饮食(与非转基因饮食之间)造成任何差别的可能性被降低到最低可能。


Overall, the methodological flaws bias the studies towards conclusions of “no differences” between GM and non-GM soy. [122、123、124、125]






[114] Padgette, S.R., Taylor, N.B., Nida, D.L., Bailey, M.R., McDonalds, J., Holden, L.R. & Fuchs, R.L. 1996. Composition of glyphosate-tolerant soybean seeds is equivalent to that of conventional soybeans. J. of Nutrition 126, 702–716.

[114] Padgette, S.R., Taylor, N.B., Nida, D.L., Bailey, M.R., McDonalds, J., Holden, L.R. & Fuchs, R.L. 1996. 抗草甘膦转基因大豆种子成分与传统大豆等效。营养学杂志,126,702-716。


[115] Burks A.W., Fuchs R.L. 1995. Assessment of the endogenous allergens in glyphosate-tolerant and

commercial soybean varieties. J. of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 96, 1008–1010.

[115] Burks A.W., Fuchs R.L. 1995。抗草甘膦转基因大豆与商业化大豆品种中内生的变应原的评估。过敏与临床免疫学杂志,96,1008-1010。


[116] Harrison, L.A. Bailey, M.R., Naylor, M.W., Ream, J.E., Hammond, B.G., Nida, D.L., Burnette, B.L., Nickson, T.E., Mitsky, T.A., Taylor, M.L., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette, S.R. 1996. The expressed protein in glyphosate-tolerant soybean, 5-enolypyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase from Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4, is rapidly digested in vitro and is not toxic to acutely gavaged mice. J. Nutr. 126, 728–740.

[116] Harrison, L.A. Bailey, M.R., Naylor, M.W., Ream, J.E., Hammond, B.G., Nida, D.L., Burnette, B.L., Nickson, T.E., Mitsky, T.A., Taylor, M.L., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette, S.R. 1996。在抗草甘膦大豆,来自土壤杆菌sp.系CP4的5 enolypyruvylshikimate - 3 -磷酸盐合酶表达的蛋白,迅速消化,对强饲法喂养小鼠没有急性毒性。营养学杂志,126,728-740。


[117] Hammond, B.G., Vicini, J.L., Hartnell, G.F., Naylor, M.W., Knight, C.D., Robinson, E.H., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette S.R. 1996. The feeding value of soybeans fed to rats, chickens, catfish and dairy cattle is not altered by genetic incorporation of glyphosate tolerance. J. Nutr. 126, 717–727.

[117] Hammond, B.G., Vicini, J.L., Hartnell, G.F., Naylor, M.W., Knight, C.D., Robinson, E.H., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette S.R. 1996。喂养老鼠、鸡、鲶鱼与牛奶的大豆的饲料价值并没有被转基因合并抗草甘膦性而改变。营养杂志,126,717-727。


[118] Müller, W. 2004. Recherche und Analyse bezuglich humantoxikologischer Risiken von gentechnisch veränderten Soja- und Maispflanzen. Eco-risk (Buro fur Ökologische Risikoforschung), Vienna, April 10.

[118] Müller, W. 2004。研究和分析,对转基因大豆和玉米的植物尊重人的毒理学风险分析。生态风险(生态风险研究处),维也纳,4月10日。


[119] Pusztai, A. 2001. Genetically modified foods: Are they a risk to human/animal health? ActionBioscience.org.

[119] Pusztai, A. 2001。转基因食品:它们是否是对人类/动物健康的风险?行动生物科学.org



[120] Mertens, M. 2007. Roundup Ready soybean – Reapproval in the EU? Report for Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. & Friends of the Earth Europe.

[120] Mertens, M. 2007。抗草甘膦转基因大豆—重新在欧洲批准?为地球欧洲准备的报告。



[121] Pryme, I.F., Lembcke, R. 2003. In vivo studies of possible health consequences of genetically modified food and feed – with particular regard to ingredients consisting of genetically modified plant materials. Nutrition and Health 17, 1–8.

[121]  Pryme, I.F., Lembcke, R. 2003。体内试验对转基因食物与饲料对健康后果的研究—特别关注配料中包含转基因材料。营养与健康,17,1-8。


[122] Padgette, S.R., Taylor, N.B., Nida, D.L., Bailey, M.R., McDonalds, J., Holden, L.R. & Fuchs, R.L. 1996. Composition of glyphosate-tolerant soybean seeds is equivalent to that of conventional soybeans. J. of Nutrition 126, 702–716.

[122] Padgette, S.R., Taylor, N.B., Nida, D.L., Bailey, M.R., McDonalds, J., Holden, L.R. & Fuchs, R.L. 1996。抗草甘膦转基因大豆种子成分与传统大豆等效。营养学杂志,126,702-716。


[123] Burks A.W., Fuchs R.L. 1995. Assessment of the endogenous allergens in glyphosate-tolerant and

commercial soybean varieties. J. of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 96, 1008–1010.

[123] Burks A.W., Fuchs R.L. 1995。抗草甘膦转基因大豆与商业化大豆品种中内生的变应原的评估。过敏与临床免疫学杂志,96,1008-1010。


[124] Harrison, L.A. Bailey, M.R., Naylor, M.W., Ream, J.E., Hammond, B.G., Nida, D.L., Burnette, B.L., Nickson, T.E., Mitsky, T.A., Taylor, M.L., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette, S.R. 1996. The expressed protein in glyphosate-tolerant soybean, 5-enolypyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase from Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4, is rapidly digested in vitro and is not toxic to acutely gavaged mice. J. Nutr. 126, 728–740.

[124] Harrison, L.A. Bailey, M.R., Naylor, M.W., Ream, J.E., Hammond, B.G., Nida, D.L., Burnette, B.L., Nickson, T.E., Mitsky, T.A., Taylor, M.L., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette, S.R. 1996。在抗草甘膦大豆,来自土壤杆菌sp.系CP4的5 enolypyruvylshikimate - 3 -磷酸盐合酶表达的蛋白,迅速消化,对强饲法喂养小鼠没有急性毒性。营养学杂志,126,728-740。


[125] Hammond, B.G., Vicini, J.L., Hartnell, G.F., Naylor, M.W., Knight, C.D., Robinson, E.H., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette S.R. 1996. The feeding value of soybeans fed to rats, chickens, catfish and dairy cattle is not altered by genetic incorporation of glyphosate tolerance. J. Nutr. 126, 717–727.

[125] Hammond, B.G., Vicini, J.L., Hartnell, G.F., Naylor, M.W., Knight, C.D., Robinson, E.H., Fuchs, R.L., Padgette S.R. 1996。喂养老鼠、鸡、鲶鱼与牛奶的大豆的饲料价值并没有被转基因合并抗草甘膦性而改变。营养杂志,126,717-727。



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责任编辑:RC 更新时间:2013-05-01 关键字:孟山都  转基因  商业化  造假  







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